Worst Thing That Can Happen to Someone Who Gets Famous

The speaker reflects on the cultural impact of MythBusters, the experiences with fame, and the gradual public recognition.


  • Shaggy Justin asks about the feeling of influencing society's language with phrases from MythBusters.
  • The speaker is humbled by the show's cultural impact and shares anecdotes of friends and fans expressing their connections to MythBusters.
  • A detailed reflection on the personal changes after becoming a TV star and the gradual process of public recognition is provided.
  • Concerns about the negative aspects of fame and the importance of not feeling entitled to it are discussed.
  • The speaker expresses gratitude for a moderate level of fame and the controlled exposure it allowed.

Chapter 1

Cultural Impact of MythBusters

0:00 - 39 sec

Shaggy Justin's question prompts a reflection on MythBusters' influence on societal language.

Shaggy Justin's question prompts a reflection on MythBusters' influence on societal language.

  • Shaggy Justin inquires about the feeling of having contributed to societal language with MythBusters.
  • The speaker shares an anecdote of a friend noticing the show's influence on conversations.
  • The speaker distinguishes between personal recognition and being acknowledged as a cultural artifact.

Chapter 2

MythBusters Auction and Foundation

0:39 - 49 sec

Details of an auction related to MythBusters and the Grant Imahara STEAM Foundation are provided.

Details of an auction related to MythBusters and the Grant Imahara STEAM Foundation are provided.

  • The speaker explains the reason for discussing MythBusters is an upcoming auction with Prop Store for the Grant Imahara STEAM Foundation.
  • Autographs are signed, and blueprints are released as part of the auction.
  • Carrie Byron's visit and her inspiration from children's stories are mentioned.

Chapter 3

Personal Humility and Gratitude

1:28 - 42 sec

The speaker expresses a profound sense of humility and gratitude for being part of the cultural lexicon through MythBusters.

The speaker expresses a profound sense of humility and gratitude for being part of the cultural lexicon through MythBusters.

  • The speaker conveys a deep humility for being part of the cultural lexicon, emphasizing the unforeseen impact of the show.
  • Anecdotes from fan interactions at conventions and the inspiration drawn from the show are shared.
  • The speaker reflects on the crew's initial focus on daily employment problems rather than a cultural legacy.

Chapter 4

Navigating Sudden Fame

2:10 - 3 min, 57 sec

Experiences with the gradual public recognition and the effect of sudden fame are discussed.

Experiences with the gradual public recognition and the effect of sudden fame are discussed.

  • The speaker shares the slow process of becoming recognized by the public and the beneficial aspects of a gradual increase in fame.
  • The potential negative effects of sudden fame, especially at a young age, are explored.
  • The speaker is grateful for experiencing fame later in life, considering the potential pitfalls.

Chapter 5

Fame and Its Ephemeral Nature

6:07 - 3 min, 59 sec

The ephemeral nature of fame and the dangers of feeling entitled to notoriety are examined.

The ephemeral nature of fame and the dangers of feeling entitled to notoriety are examined.

  • The speaker warns against the belief that one deserves fame, highlighting its ephemeral and unpredictable nature.
  • The negative consequences of not having anyone to say 'no' to a famous person are outlined.
  • A personal anecdote of a challenging moment due to fame is shared, emphasizing the pressures of public recognition.

Chapter 6

Final Thoughts and Support Invitation

10:06 - 1 min, 10 sec

The speaker concludes with an invitation to support their work and an acknowledgment of the community's role.

The speaker concludes with an invitation to support their work and an acknowledgment of the community's role.

  • The speaker concludes the discussion and thanks the viewers for their support.
  • An invitation to become a tested member is extended, with details about the perks and projects shared.
  • The 'Adam realtime' series is promoted as a membersonly video feature.

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