Your Ex's Brain During No Contact Rule

Coach Lee

Coach Lee

15 min, 6 sec

The video explains the psychological and hormonal changes an ex experiences during no contact after a breakup.


  • Exes initially feel relief post-breakup and experience dopamine release.
  • Continued contact from the dumper elevates their stress hormones like cortisol.
  • No contact leads to curiosity, concern, and eventually fear in the ex, prompting reconsideration of the breakup.
  • The ex experiences hormonal changes, with women producing more oxytocin and men more vasopressin, leading to a desire to reconnect.
  • The final stages involve fear and action, where the ex might reach out or take steps to re-establish the relationship.

Chapter 1

Initial Relief and Dopamine Release

0:00 - 1 min, 54 sec

Exes feel relief after a breakup, and their brain releases dopamine.

Exes feel relief after a breakup, and their brain releases dopamine.

  • Exes often experience relief after a breakup, feeling glad it's over.
  • Dopamine, a feel-good hormone, is released, helping them feel better post-breakup.
  • If the dumper continues to contact them, it prevents the relief and dopamine release.

Chapter 2

Anxiety, Stress Hormones, and No Contact

1:54 - 46 sec

Continued contact from the dumper elevates stress hormones in the ex.

Continued contact from the dumper elevates stress hormones in the ex.

  • Stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline rise prior to and after the breakup if the dumper persists in contact.
  • No contact allows the ex to experience relief and reduces stress hormone levels.

Chapter 3

Curiosity Stage

2:39 - 47 sec

No contact leads to curiosity in the ex.

No contact leads to curiosity in the ex.

  • The ex begins to wonder why the dumper hasn't contacted them.
  • This curiosity stems from the expectation that the dumper would chase them.

Chapter 4

Concern and Hormonal Changes

3:26 - 2 min, 45 sec

The stage of concern is marked by hormonal changes and questioning.

The stage of concern is marked by hormonal changes and questioning.

  • The ex starts to feel concerned about the lack of contact and the possibility of a mistake.
  • Women may produce more oxytocin, and men more vasopressin, under stress related to relationships.

Chapter 5

Fear and Re-Evaluation

6:11 - 2 min, 36 sec

Fear sets in, leading the ex to re-evaluate the breakup.

Fear sets in, leading the ex to re-evaluate the breakup.

  • The ex becomes afraid they may lose something valuable and that they made a mistake.
  • Fear leads to a sense of loss, which can be combined with love, creating a powerful emotional state.

Chapter 6

Action and Reconnection

8:47 - 1 min, 28 sec

The action stage involves the ex taking steps to reconnect.

The action stage involves the ex taking steps to reconnect.

  • The ex may reach out or perform actions that indicate a desire to re-establish the relationship.
  • The no contact strategy can lead to an increased likelihood of hearing from the ex.

Chapter 7

Staying Strong in No Contact

10:15 - 1 min, 29 sec

Discipline in maintaining no contact is key to affecting the ex's hormonal response.

Discipline in maintaining no contact is key to affecting the ex's hormonal response.

  • Remaining disciplined in no contact can lead to the ex's production of stress hormones and a desire to take action.
  • If the dumper responds too eagerly to the ex's outreach, it may reduce the ex's stress and lose the progress made.

Chapter 8

The Importance of Earning Back

11:44 - 3 min, 8 sec

The ex needs to feel like they are working to earn the dumper back.

The ex needs to feel like they are working to earn the dumper back.

  • The ex should feel that they need to put effort into winning the dumper back to appreciate the value of the relationship.
  • Rushing the process may undermine the perceived value of getting back together.

Chapter 9

Resources and Next Steps

14:52 - 9 sec

The video concludes with additional resources and a teaser for a follow-up video.

The video concludes with additional resources and a teaser for a follow-up video.

  • Information on the Emergency Breakup Kit and a support community is provided.
  • A teaser is offered for a follow-up video that goes into more detail on the substages during no contact.

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